We are a community of believers, united in Christ, who are devoted to proclaiming and obeying the word of God.
Sunday Worship 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM | 1976 Scenic Dr. Fortuna CA
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- Kids | First Baptist Church Fortuna
JESUS & KIDS Jesus was very clear, kids are important to him and his kingdom. That means that kids are important to us too! This has led us to make some very important decisions on how we function as a community of believers. First, we are a Family-Integrated Church. This means that we try to keep age segregated activities to a minimum. Kids in worship, Bible Study, or any other context is not a problem to be solved. It is a gift to be embraced. Second, we are protective of any child entrusted to us. This means we have set-up some ways to help you as a parent know that we are looking out for both the spiritual and the physical safety of your kids. CHECK-IN & PICK-UP The first time you come you may discover everyone has not met you yet. So to ensure that you leave with the same kids that you brought we check-in every child from birth through 6th grade. Please enter the front of the Main building to check-in your kids. A friendly greeter will be there to help you with this process. Check-in usually begins about 15 minutes before class (about 9:30 AM) and each kid needs to be picked up within 15 minutes of the end of class (before 11 AM). The person who checks-in the child will also need to pick up the child. To speed up the check-in process, please consider providing us with your kid's information in advance by filling out the form below. REGISTER HERE LOOK FOR TAGS When you first arrive you may notice that the teaches have printed tags with their name. Anyone with a "TEACHER" tag is safe to leave your child with. Every person who works with children is a member of FBC Fortuna, has gone through an application process, and has passed a background check. RUNNING LATE We've been there. You're running late because the shoe clogged the toilet and you're not eve n sure you brushed your teeth. That's okay! We have restrooms and no one will notice you eating breath mints like candy. However, we do lock the doors to the t wo-story building at 10 AM. After this time you will need to enter through the main entrance (large brick building with the cross on top). W e want to make sure we are aware of any guests on the church grounds so someone will greet you and make sure you make it to the right class. If you have any questions please contact Lexi (Kids Sunday School Coordinator) or Pastor John.
- Contact | FBC Fortuna
Let's Chat Have a question or need to talk to someone? Use the form below and a Pastor or Deacon will get back to you. Phone 707.725.2595 Email fbcfortuna@outlook.com Social Media First Name Last Name Email Message Reason for contact General Facility Use Request Biblical Counseling Prayer Request Benevolence Phone Send Thanks for submitting!
- I'm New | FBC Fortuna
HELLO! If you're visiting for the first time you might fit into one of two groups. The first group is a local who is looking for a local chur ch. The second group is travelers. That is why one of our first questions often ask is, "are you a local or are you passing through?" But, no matter which group you find yourself in please know that we are honored that you are choosing to worship the Living God with us. We will do everything we can to care for you while you are with us. HOW DO I GET TO FBC? Beginning on Rohnerville Road and Newell Drive (across from Ray's Food Place) we have large A-frames with arrows directing you up the hill. There are four a-frames. There is a parking lot once you arrive. We will be on the right at 1976 Scenic Drive, Fortuna CA 95540 . WHAT TIME? We have Sunday School Classes for all ages at 9:45 AM (about 60 minutes). We have Corporate Worship Services at 11:00 AM (about 90 minutes). If you are a first-time guest you are probably visiting at one of these times. We usually start on time, but we still welcome those who might arrive late. WHERE DO I GO? We do our best to have a friendly person who will greet you as you arrive. The first place to go is the Sanctuary (the large brick building with the cross on top ). Here we have a resource area where you can get helpful information and a gift. The Two-Story building is where our classrooms are located. Just in case you can't find help or feel overwhelmed, there are maps located at the entrance of each building. WILL IT BE WEIRD? We hope not. At least not on purpose. We will not pressure you into giving us your information or doing anything that you are not comfortable doing. But that doesn't mean we won't try to make you feel welcome. We recognize that this may be your first time in a church building or that you may be dealing with heavy issues. So we want to care for you and not be a burden. WHAT ABOUT MY KIDS? It is our conviction that parents are the ones who are primarily responsible for evangelizing and discipling their children. Therefore, we endeavor to be a multi-generational and family-integrated church. That is why we encourage family members of all ages to join us to worship on Sunday mornings. Any age-specific class is always a supplement to what Dad and Mom are called to do at home. Worship, Bible Study, and other classes are places where children being present are not a problem but are encouraged to attend. This means we expect an appropriate amount of noise as Dad and Mom are training their children to participate in community life. Be encouraged, small children can learn to sit still and listen quietly (if taught how to do it!). We have a flyer at the resource table with more information about Families, Kids, and Worship . There is a nursery is available for children 0-2 (with a live feed of the service) and a Mother's room for nursing babies. WHERE IS THE RESTROOM? There are two restrooms at the entrance to the S anctuary (the large brick building with the cross on top ) and a restroom on each floor of the Two-Story building. THANK YOU! We have each been in the place you are. Looking to visit a new church for the first time. We understand that you may have a lot of questions and concerns. So we want to say thank you for choosing to trust us and join us. We look forward to meeting you! May God bless you as you seek to know him!
- About | First Baptist Church Fortuna
THEOLOGY AND AFFILIATIONS Holding to teachings best described as Reformed Theology, we also affirm the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 . Our Sunday Morning worship services are centered around making much of Jesus Christ as the revealed word and will of God to bring about his glory and our salvation. Read more... PASTOR (LEAD ELDER) & LEADERSHIP John Carter is our Pastor and Lead Elder. You can hear some of his sermons at MusicaTheologica.com . Read more... FAMILIES & CHILDREN It is our conviction that families are important to the life and community of FBC Fortuna. That is why we encourage family members of all ages to join us to worship together on Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM and for age-appropriate classes before worship at 9:45 AM. Small noises are a part of raising godly children. So find peace knowing we are pleased to have you and your little ones join us to worship the living God. Read more... COMMUNITY The Church is not a building but a gathering of God's people. This is why we regularly carve out time to gather together. If you come on a Sunday Morning you will get to know the living God. But it is during the small unplanned moments that we are best able to get to know each other. That is why you are invited to join us to worship the living God on Sundays and then throughout the week as we gather to encourage and care for each other. Read more... SALVATION & THE GOSPEL We believe that in the beginning, God created everything. But because of sin , the world was broken. Sin is any action, attitude, or thought that violates God's moral law and is consequently worthy of punishment. Therefore, sinners are in need of forgiveness and salvation. The good news is that Jesus' life, death, and resurrection provides this forgiveness. We also believe that Jesus expects the following things of his followers. Repent (turn from) and confess your sins. Believe that Jesus is God. Be Baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Commit yourself to a local body of Believers (a church). Make Disciples of all Nations.
- Christian Ministry Training | First Baptist Church Fortuna
CHRISTIAN MINISTRY TRAINNING During the Sunday School Hour These 10 six-session classes are designed to equip believers with the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Although everybody is encouraged to attend any who are interested in teaching or serving in certain ministry roles at FBC Fortuna are required to participate in all ten classes. The classes cover the following topics: What is a Healthy Church? , Biblical Inter pretation , Missions & Evangelism , Basic Theology I & II , Apologetics, Old Testament Survey , New Testament Survey , Church History , and Spiritual Disciplines. Healthy Church CMT 01 What is a church and how can you tell if it is healthy? This class will look at some basic marks of a healthy church. Missions & Evangelism CMT 03 The last command Jesus gave on the earth was to make disciple of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). So, what does that look like? This class will look at what the Bible teaches about telling all people about the gospel of Jesus Christ and some practical ways to do it. Christian Apologetics CMT 06 Christians are called to both know and defend the faith. This class will look at some different ways for believers to defend their faith as well as some ways to engage opposing beliefs and worldviews. New Testament Survey CMT 08 The New Testament contains the Apostles teachings that have been handed down for the church to know and believe. This class will provide a survey of those teaching, also known as the New Testament. Spiritual Disciplines CMT 10 The Christian is not just called to believe; he is also called to obey. This class will provide some needed spiritual disciplines to help the Christian grow in both knowledge and obedience to the Lord. Biblical Interpretation CMT 02 The Bible is meant to be read and understood. But sometimes reading the Bible can seem too hard to understand. This class will provide some basic tools to understand how to read and interpret the Bible. Basic Theology I & II CMT 04 - 05 Using the 1689 Baptist Confession and the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 this class will look at basic doctrines of the Christian Faith. Old Testament Survey CMT 07 Is the Old Testament important or even interesting? Yes! This class will provide a survey of the Old Testament while demonstrating how it important to the believer today. Church History Survey CMT 09 Many Christians are familiar with the Bible, but too few know what has happened in the last 2000 year of Church History. This Church History survey will highlight some significant moments from church history and how the Christian message has spread across the world.
- FBC Covenant | First Baptist Church Fortuna
COVENANT COMMUNITY The Bible teaches that Church Membership is not something to be taken lightly. Therefore, our church members covenant together to live towards one another in a particular way. This covenant is not meant to be a list of DO's and DON'T's. Instead it is meant to outline what we mean when we say we that belong to FBC Fortuna. FBC CHURCH COVENANT Having, as we trust, been brought by divine grace to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and to give up ourselves to him, and having been baptized upon our profession of faith, in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, we do now, relying on His gracious aid, solemnly and joyfully renew our covenant with one another. Therefore, We are devoted to the apostle’s teachings’ and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. We are devoted to loving one another. We are devoted to joyfully serving one another. We are devoted to praying for one another. We are devoted to a humility that considers each other better than ourselves. We are devoted to greeting one another warmly and lovingly. We are devoted to encouraging one another. We are devoted to killing sin, in all forms, by embracing confession, repentance, and forgiveness. We are devoted to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to te aching, and to singing. We are devoted to discipling one another. We are devoted to financially supporting those who are devoted to the ministry of the word and prayer, and [we are devoted to financially supporting] the spread of the gospel. We are devoted to supporting those who are poor. Above all, we are devoted to obeying the commands of Jesus Christ. If we are ever moved from this community we are also devoted to uniting with some other church where we can continue in the spirit of this covenant. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen. BECOMING A MEMBER If you would like to become a member of FBC Fortuna please plan to attend am FBC Discovery Class. This six-week class is offered twice each year (Jan-Feb and Jun-Jul) at 9:45 AM on Sundays. If you would like to attend the next class please talk to an Elder.
- Classical Christian Education | First Baptist Church Fortuna
Welcome! Sign up and get connected by clicking the button below. After that, plan on attending the Parent Training Classes and joining the Co-op . Sign-up and Get Connected! Co-op Classes Parent Trainin g Classes Parent Training Classes Do you need a little more help or encouragement in figuring out this thing called parenting? If so join us for a Parent Training Class. Parent Training Classes are bi-monthly meetings for parents/teachers who are passionate about Classical Christian Education and who take seriously the responsibility to educate their children. Here you'll meet other parents facing the same struggles that you are. You do not need to be a participant in the Homeschool co-op to participate. Be sure to sign-up to get email reminders about upcoming meetings. Schedule 2nd Tuesday of every other month | 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Each Meeting will consist of parts: Bible Study, Lesson, and a open Q&A. There are also rumors of goodies to munch on. September 10, 2024 – Tuesday at 7 PM November 12, 2024 – Tuesday at 7 PM January 14, 2025 – Tuesday at 7 PM March 11, 2025 – Tuesday at 7 PM May 13, 2025 – Tuesday at 7 PM Listen to Previous Meetings Here
- Discipleship | How We Grow
Preaching The primary way every believer is discipled is though the weekly expository preaching of the Bible. Preaching is the means by which God saves sinners and sanctifies saints. This is why discipleship will be greatly impacted by the amount of time spent under the faithful preaching of the word of God. Sermons Community Groups With members from all over the Humboldt County we have established small groups to help minister to each other throughout the week. The purpose of these small groups is to encourage regular fellowship, discipleship, and one-another ministry among the members spread throughout Humboldt County. Further, it is more likely that a person will thrive and last longer in church if he or she is participating regularly in a small group. Community Groups Sunday School Our Sunday School program is designed to teach the entire Bible in 3-year cycles. Each class is age-appropriate and is studying the same lesson. By having all classes learn the same lesson parents are better equipped to continue evangelizing and discipling their children. As mentioned previously, it is more likely that a person will thrive and last longer in church if he or she is participating regularly in a small group like these. Our children’s classes are taught by teachers who love Jesus and love their students. Any adult working with a minor is required to fill out an application and pass a background check. Although the other classes are designed to survey the Bible the youth class (7th-12th) works through the Christian Ministry Training on a three-year cycle. More about Kids Prayer Meetings 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays @ 5:30 PM Prayer is a cri tical part o f the Christian walk. Without prayer we are trying to walk by the flesh and not by the Holy Spirit. Therefore we set aside time specifically for the purpose of praying. Christian Ministry Training (CMT) At some point every disciple must transition from being discipled to making disciples. The CMT modules are an excellent way to prepare for this. These 13-week modules are a brief survey of the fundamentals of the Christian life and faith. They are meant to provide every member with basic information needed to grow and disciple others in the faith. Although everybody is encouraged to attend participation is required for all teachers or ministry leaders. CMT is available for youth and adults during Sunday School. CMT Classes Parathou Parathou has two types of men in mind. First and foremost, Parthou has churchmen in mind. Men who desire to pour into the church; men who are prepared to be equipped to serve God and serve his people. Secondly, Parthou is designed for men who aspire to the office of Elder/Overseer. It must be clearly stated, participation in Parathou is not a guarantee or promise that you will become an Elder. However, it is designed to lead men in that direction.
- Sound Doctrine Conference | First Baptist Church Fortuna
Sound Doctrine Conference Sound doctrine in accordance with the gospel But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine. Titus 2:1 - ESV Register Now This Year's Theme When Christian truth is proclaimed there is a rebuttal often heard, “ but what about God’s love?” Although many who make this argument are simply justifying sin or embracing universalism, it would be a mistake to not address the topic and investigate the robust doctrines concerning the love of God. For this reason, the 2024 Sound Doctrine Conference will be addressing the Love of God. In the main sessions we will be looking vertically at the attributes of God as they relate to love. During the breakouts we will look at the horizontal nature of love as it relates to love and mankind. As usual, the Sound Doctrine Conference is meant for the local church. A conference meant to encourage local believers to live godly lives in light of sound doctrine. Pastors and teachers from local churches will be teaching the various sessions and breakouts. It is hoped that as each believer returns to their own home church they are equipped with and encouraged through the word to persevere in the faith. Register Now Steven Fetters First Baptist Church of Fortuna Main Session God's Triune and Eternal Love Pastor Jon Szabo First Baptist Church of Fo rtuna Breakouts When a Man Loves a Women (God's Design for Sexual Intimacy) Pastor John Carter First Baptist Church of Fo rtuna Main Session God's Truth, Love and Glory Breakou ts Love, Suffering, and The Lord's Discipline Pastor Connor Janzen Loleta Community Church Main Session Love is... Pastor Nate Downey The Town Church, Eureka Breakouts Love Your Enemies (Loving Those Who Have Hurt You) Pastor Rob Foster Pelican Bay EV Free Chuch, Crescent City Pastor's Lunch Love and Obedience to Christ Breakouts Love Your Neighbor (Church, Family, and Society) a Pastor Tyrel Bramwell St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Ferndale Main Session God's Love, Holiness, and Wrath Lexi Bragia First Baptist Church of Fortuna KID'S Brea kouts What is Love? (R om. 5:8) [Kids K-6th] a What is the Purpose of the Sound Doctrine Conference? The purpose of the Sound Doctrine Conference is to equip the local church with sound doctrine in accordance with the gospel. Why the Sound Doctrine Conference? We live in an age where knowledge and information are widely accessible. Yet, with the increase of knowledge there is an ever-increasing rejection of truth and morality. This problem has not just infected the world but has even found its way into the church. As this has happened, fewer and fewer churches are found which preach sound doctrine in accordance with the gospel. So, what are churches to do? First and foremost, they must remain steadfast in their commitment to faithful biblical teaching. This is done primarily through the pulpit ministry of the local church. In an effort to reinforce this commitment, the Sound Doctrine Conference seeks to instill a love for the word of God in the local church through faithful exposition the word of God. Where Does Sound Doctrine Come From? The Sound Doctrine Conference is based on the phrase ‘sound doctrine’ (ὑγιαινούσῃ διδασκαλίᾳ) found in 1 Timothy 1:11, Titus 1:9 and 2:1. Further, the phrase ‘sound words’ (ὑγιαίνουσιν λόγοις/ὑγιαινόντων λόγων), which correspond to sound doctrine, are found in 1 Timothy 6:3 and 2 Timothy 1:13. Paul, in his letters to Timothy and Titus, is exhorting these young Pastors to teach sound doctrine to the churches under their watch. However, Paul is not simply advocating for academic accuracy; an accuracy which is of absolute importance. He is also seeking that this sound doctrine is consistently applied into the lives of the believer in such a way that produces godliness. In the passages mentioned above, Sound Doctrine in accordance with the gospel must necessarily produce godliness. Who is the Sound Doctrine Conference for? Sound doctrine is not for ivory tower theologians. Rather, sound doctrine is for those who desire to know and love God. According to Paul, sound doctrine is in accordance with the gospel, sound doctrine is the needed tool to resist bad teaching, sound doctrine produces godliness, and sound doctrine is required to walk with Christ in faith and in love. In other words, sound doctrine is the very thing we need to know the gospel, declare the truth, combat lies, and to live a life that pleases God. Sound Doctrine is for every believer! What Happens at the Sound Doctrine Conference? At the Sound Doctrine Conference, we are steadfast to do five things: We Sing, We Read The Bible, We Pray, We Hear Teaching, We Reason With What We Heard We Sing : Singing is a beautiful gift from our God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. One of the greatest joys of gathering with other believers in a larger gathering is to be able to join other brothers and sisters in singing great truth about our God and his Christ. We Read the Bible : The Bible is the very Word of God. Therefore, the Bible is a priceless treasure for us to cherish. We love to hear the precious words of Scripture read aloud for all to hear. We Pray : Our endeavor is first and foremost a spiritual effort. This requires that we seek spiritual means to changes our hearts and minds. This begins with prayer. We Hear Teaching : Like the disciples, we love to hear faithful teaching. We devote ourselves to the Apostle’s teaching. Each session will seek to engage both our spiritual minds and our holy affections. We Reason with What We Heard : Godly learning is not just an information download. Rather, it demands that we meditate and reason what we have heard. To foster this reflective work, we have also included multiple opportunities to ask questions about what has been taught. Why a Pastor’s Lunch? Pastor’s need friends, fellowship, and encouragement. With busy schedules and various demands on their time, pastors can quickly forget to foster these needed relationships. Therefore, it is the desire that Pastor’s would have an opportunity to gather with other men who are serving as elders, pastors, or overseers to be encouraged though fellowship, a good meal, a word from the Scriptures, and of course, a few more books. This lunch is reserved exclusively for men who are currently serving as a Pastor, Elder, or Overseer. 2024 Cost: $50 Per Household The Sound Doctrine Conference is made possible by the sacrificial giving of FBC Fortuna and generous supporters. If you would like to donate you may do so at the conference or online at https://fbcfortuna.churchcenter.com/giving/to/conference Friday Night there is a potluck dinner at 6 PM. Saturday lunch is provided. Friday at Noon there is a Pastor's Lunch and Fellowship. There is no child care provided. However children are welcome to attend. The nursery will be available for parents to use for children ages 0-2. The sessions will be available to watch from the nursery. There will be a breakout for children in grades K-6th. Did we mention that we love to give away books? Each year we gather together some useful books that promote sound doctrine and godliness. [One set of books per household.] The Sound Doctrine Conference takes place at FBC Fortuna 1976 Scenic Dr. Fortuna, CA On Friday at 12 PM there is a FREE Pastor's lunch and fellowship. This time is open to Men who are currently serving as a Pastor (or Elder/Overseer). After lunch and a time to fellowship with one another a Pastor will bring a word of encouragement and exhortation. In addition to this FREE pastor's lunch all pastors in attendance will receive a book bags with different books then those give away at the main conference. Pastor, you are encouraged to attend even if you are not able to attend the main conference. Please register if you plan on attending. Register Now Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted. 1 Timothy 1:8-11 - ESV PREVIOUS CONFERENCES Sound Doctrine Conference (Love of God) - 2024 COMING SOON Sound Doctrine Conference (Image Dei - Male and Female) - 2023 Sound Doctrine (The Church) - 2022 Sound Doctrine (Godliness) - 2021 Missions Conference (Church Planting Churches) - 2020 Missions Conference (Church History) - 2019 More audio at www.musicatheologica.com Video on YouTube