We are a community of believers, united in Christ, who are devoted to proclaiming and obeying the word of God.
Sunday Worship 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM | 1976 Scenic Dr. Fortuna CA

The Gospel
In the beginning...
God created everything. Not only did God create everything, but because he is good, he also gave us the law. The demand of the law was perfection. Failure to obey the law perfectly came with the penalty of death, but the reward of obedience was life. Instead of obedience we have each chosen to disobey God's law.
The Bad News.
We chose to sin. Therefore, sinners, who are condemned to death, are in need of forgiveness of sin and salvation from death (the wrath of God).
The Good News (Gospel)
Sinners can be forgiven and can be saved from death, their sins, and God’s wrath through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ Jesus alone.
Now What?
Those who have been saved are commanded to obey the gospel by: Repenting (turn from sins to Jesus) and Confess (make publicly known) your sins. Believe that Jesus Christ is God. Be Baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Commit yourself to a local body of believers (a church). And make Disciples of all Nations.
Want to learn more? Then join us this Sunday. We look forward to meeting you.
When We Gather
Here's Some Regular times we gather

9:45 AM
60 Minutes
Sunday School
Our Sunday School program is designed to teach the entire Bible in 3-year cycles. We have age-appropriate for Adults, Youth, and Children. Our children’s classes are taught by teachers who love Jesus and love their students.

5:30 PM
Sunday Prayer Meeting
{No Meeting on the First Sunday}
Prayer is a great privilege given to the people of God. We are promised that he will hear us when we pray and that he will answer. We believe that God is living and good. Therefore, we make prayer a part of regular church life. We prayer to the Father, in the name of the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit.
11:00 AM
90 Minutes
Morning Worship Service
Our times of corporate worship are centered on the exaltation of the Living God. This includes reading, preaching, and teaching of the word of God as well as prayer, singing, giving, baptism, communion (Lord’s Supper), and time of confession. We encourage family members of all ages to join us to worship together.
6:00 PM
60 Minutes
Evening Worship Service
{No Meeting on the First Sunday}
Our times of evening worship are an opportunity to continue in worship centered on the exaltation of the Living God. Our evening worship has a times of extended prayer, singing, and the preaching of the word

First Sunday Potluck
Join the FBC family the first Sunday of each month to enjoy a meal together. Please bring enough food to feed your household and to share with others. After the meal the leftovers will be packaged up and delivered to the poor and hungry.

Small Groups
With members from all over the Humboldt County we have established small groups to help minister to each other throughout the week. The purpose of these small groups is to encourage regular fellowship, discipleship, and one-another ministry among the members spread throughout Humboldt County.