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  • Classical Christian Education | First Baptist Church Fortuna

    Welcome! Sign up and get connected by clicking the button below. After that, plan on attending the Parent Meetings and joining the Co-op . ​ Sign-up and Get Connected! ​ Co-op Classes ​ Parent Training Classes Homeschool Co-op A cooperation of homeschooling families to help one another educate their children within a Classical Christian Education model. The co-op meets weekly on Tuesdays . ​ 2024-2025 Please turn in your application or send it in via email to . ​ Student Application Deadline: August 6, 2024 Teacher / Tutor Application Deadline: June 25, 2024 ​ Teacher Training: August 6th, 2024 (7 PM) New Student Orientation: August 17, 2024 (10 AM - 12 PM) Returning Student Orientation: August 13, 2023 (7 PM) FALL SEMESTER BEGINS: August 20, 2024 ​ Semester Cost Family with a teacher/tutor $326.00 + books & materials Family without a teacher/tutor $652.00 + books & materials ​ $20 per semester for families only participating in the Reading Hour (K – 2nd) Semester fees can be made in person or online at ​ ​ 2024-2025 Student Application ​ 2024-2025 Teacher Application ​ Mission, Vision, Values, and Doctrine FALL 2024 Co-op Classes (Updated 08/04/24 ) Veritas Press History: 1815 to Present (grades 2-6) - Syllabus Mrs. Katie Carter Omnibus III: Reformation to the Present ( grades 7-9) - Syllabus Mrs. Maria Szabo Omnibus VI: The Modern World (grades 10-12) - Syllabus Mr./Pastor John Carter Apologia Chemistry (grades 9-12) - Syllabus Mr./Pastor Jon Szabo ​ Apologia Physical Science (g rades 7-9) - Syllabus Mr./Pastor Jon Szabo Introduction to Logical Fallacies (grades 6-8) - Syllabus Mr./Pastor John Carter ​ Rhetoric: Fitting Words (grades 8-10) - Syllabus Mr. Steven Fetters ​ Math Tutoring - Study Hall (all grades ) - Syllabus Mrs. Kara Deno IEW Adventures in Writing (grades 3-5) - Syllabus Mrs. Maria Szabo ​ IEW Modern World History-Based Writing Lessons (grades 5-7) - Syllabus Ms. Julia Szabo ​ ​ Logos Latin 1 (grades 3-5) Pastor John Carter ​ Logos Latin 3 (grades 5-7) - Syllabus Ms. Julia Szabo Intermediate Koine Greek (Biblical Greek) (grades 9-12 & adults) - Syllabus Adults without student will only need to pay a semester fee of $326.00 + books & materials Mr./Pastor John Carter ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The final class schedule will be available July 23, 2024. We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Worship | First Baptist Church Fortuna

    CORPORATE WORSHIP Our times of corporate worship are centered on the exaltation of the Living God. This includes reading, preaching, and teaching of the word of God as well as prayer, singing, giving, baptism, communion (Lord’s Supper), and time of confession. We encourage family members of all ages to join us to worship together. Small noises are a part of raising godly children. So find peace knowing we are pleased to have children join us to worship the living God. ​ Click here for previous sermons. ​ THE CHURCH IS A GATHERING OF BELIEVERS The word translated as 'church' in the Bible is from the Greek word 'ecclesia' which means gathering . Therefore, we should understand the church fundamentally as a gathering of people. Worship is not what makes a church. Worship is a function of the church. What makes a church is the gathering of believers around the word of God in the name of Jesus Christ. This means that we do not primarily gather to worship, because worship is possible anywhere. Instead, we primarily gather so that we can worship God as a gathered body of believers. This is a activity that we cannot do individually. The minimum essential marks of a gathered body of believers, a church, is the preaching of the word of God, the administration of the ordinances (Communion and Baptism), and church discipline. So, whether we gather in a sanctuary, in a home, in a cave, or in a field, we gather to do together what we cannot do alone. ​ MUSIC AND SINGING Music and sin ging is very significant to the FBC Fortuna family. That is why we love songs with beautiful melodies and rich theology. Concerts are good, but corporate worship is not to be confused with a concert. As we gather together to worship the living God we make it a priority to sing as an act of worship and encouragement for one another. That is why you will see that we leave the lights on and sing very loud. To help our church family sing loud and with thoughtfulness about the words we limit the amount of songs we sing each year. We also provide playlist to those song on YouTube and Spotify. As you join us in singing remember that singing is not the goal. The goal is will always remain to encourage one another and to bring praise and glory to the God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. ​ If you would like a physical copy of the songs we sing, or a Hymnal, please s ee Samuel Carter. ​ YouTube 2024 YouTube 2 023 YouTube 2022 YouTube 2021 ​ Spotify 2024 Spotify 2023 Spotify 2022 Spotify 2021 Spotify 2019 ​

  • Leadership | First Baptist Church Fortuna

    ELDER LED CONGREGATIONALISM What is Elder Led Congregationalism ? The New Testament is clear that the Church has one Chief Shepherd (Pastor) and that is Jesus Christ. Further, each local church is to submit to her Elders (Pastors) while each member is still responsible for the wellbeing of the church. This means that the Elders are to care for the Spiritual well being of the church while the Deacons assist the Elders with the physical needs of the church, and each Church Member is to carry out the work of the ministry. Head & Chief Shepherd Jesus is the head of the Church and the Chief Shepherd (Pastor). Under his authority will the church grow and be led. Lead Elder/ Pastor John Carter Serving as the Lead Elder, it is Pastor John's responsibility to Oversee the spiritual health of FBC Fortuna. His responsibility also includes overseeing the preaching and teaching, as well as the vision of FBC Fortuna. You can learn more about Pastor John by going to Deacon of Finances & Benevolence Vince Braigia To allow the Elders to remain focused on the ministry of the word and prayer, Vince serves (deacons) by helping to manage the finances of FBC Fortuna. Deacon of Evangelism & Benevolence Gabe Cruz To allow the Elder's to remain focused on the ministry of the word and prayer, Gabe serves by helping to lead out opportunities for evangelism, the greeters, and benevolence requests. If you would like to assist in serving, please contact Gabe. Children's Ministry Director Lexi Bragia To allow the Elder's to remain focused on the ministry of the word and prayer, Lexi assists with the needs of the Children's Ministry. From teaching to administrative needs, Lexi's greatest concern is for the eternal and earthy safety of the children. FBC Church Member Every church member is responsible for the health and future of our church. This means no church member can sit back and 'let the professionals' do their job. The Elder's equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Consider this, every book in the New Testament is written to churches, not just Elders. Elder/ Pastor Jon Szabo Serving as an Elder, it is Pastor Jon's responsibility to Oversee the spiritual health of FBC Fortuna. He is responsible for teaching and overseeing pastoral care of the church. Deacon of Worship Services & Communications Ben De Leon To allow the Elder's to remain focused on the ministry of the word and prayer, the worship services deacon serves by helping to manage the administrative needs of the Sunday Morning Worship Services. If you would like to help serve in this area, please contact the worship services deacon. Deacon of Facilities Luke Piehl To allow the Elder's to remain focused on the ministry of the word and prayer, Luke serves by helping to manage the facilities. If you would like to assist in caring for the building (cleaning, upkeep, repairs, gardening), please contact Luke.

  • Beliefs | What We Believe

    About FBC Fortuna. FBC Fortuna loves God and loves His word. Therefore, the preaching and teaching of FBC Fortuna is firmly rooted in the Bible. It is not necessary to completely understand every belief outlined below. However, it is necessary that you are not strongly opposed to these teachings to become a member. We are patient with those who are taking time to fully comprehend and internalize these distinctives. Even though there may be some disagreement among members about certain doctrines, the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession is the extent of disagreement that we seek to maintain while holding onto unity and fellowship. Nevertheless, to give a clear understanding of the doctrines that influences the preaching, teaching, and theology of FBC Fortuna are 5 pivotal doctrinal positions that we affirm as well as two guiding documents. The Gospel of Jesus Christ We believe that in the beginning, God created everything. But because of sin, the world was broken. Sin is any action that places self above God and is consequently worthy of punishment. Therefore sinners are in need of forgiveness and salvation. The good news is that Jesus' life, death, and resurrection provides this forgiveness. Regenerate Church Membership The most significant mark of being Baptist is holding to believer’s baptism; the belief that only those who personally confess Christ should be recognized as saved and therefore baptized. But we also hold to the historic teaching that church membership is for the regenerate (saved). That means we affirm that every Christian must be a member of a local church to be obedient to Christ. But membership is not just a name on a list. It includes a confession, participation in the ordinances (baptism and the Lord's Supper), and evidences of grace (sanctification). The Five Sola's of the Reformation Sola Scriptura Scripture Alone "The supreme judge for deciding all religious controversies and for evaluating all decrees of councils, opinions of ancient writers, human teachings, and individual interpretations, and in whose judgment we are to rest, is nothing but the Holy Scripture delivered by the Spirit. In this Scripture our faith finds its final word" (2LBC 1.10). Sola Gratia Saved by Grace Alone "Since humanity brought itself under the curse of the law by its fall, it pleased the Lord to make a covenant of grace. In this covenant he freely offers to sinners life and salvation through Jesus Christ. On their part he requires faith in him, that they may be saved, and promises to give his Holy Spirit to all who are ordained to eternal life, to make them willing and able to believe" (2LBC 7.2). Sola Fide Saved through Faith Alone "The grace of faith, by which the elect are enabled to believe so that their souls are saved, is the work of the Spirit of Christ in their hearts. Faith is ordinarily produced by the ministry of the Word. By this same ministry and by the administration of baptism and the Lord’s supper, prayer, and other means appointed by God, faith is increased and strengthened" (2LBC 14.1). Solus Christus Saved in Christ Alone "God was pleased, in his eternal purpose, to choose and ordain the Lord Jesus, his only begotten Son, according to the covenant made between them, to be the mediator between God and humanity. God chose him to be prophet, priest, and king, and to be head and savior of the church, the heir of all things, and judge of the world. From all eternity, God gave to the Son a people to be his offspring. In time these people would be redeemed, called, justified, sanctified, and glorified by him" (2LBC 8.1). Soli Deo Gloria For the Glory of God Alone "God has all life, glory, goodness, and blessedness in and of himself; he alone is all-sufficient in himself. He does not need any creature he has made nor does he derive any glory from them. Instead, he demonstrates his own glory in them, by them, to them, and upon them. He alone is the source of all being, and everything is from him, through him, and to him. He has absolute sovereign rule over all creatures, to act through them, for them, or upon them as he pleases. In his sight everything is open and visible. His knowledge is infinite and infallible. It does not depend upon any creature, so for him nothing is contingent or uncertain. He is absolutely holy in all his plans, in all his works, and in all his commands. Angels and human beings owe to him all the worship, service, or obedience that creatures owe to the Creator and whatever else he is pleased to require of them" (2LBC 2.2). The Doctrines of Grace Total Depravity John 3:3; 6:3 "By this sin our first parents fell from their original righteousness and communion with God. We fell in them, and through this, death came upon all. All became dead in sin and completely defiled in all the capabilities and parts of soul and body. All actual transgressions arise from this first corruption. By it we are thoroughly biased against, and disabled and antagonistic toward all that is good, and we are completely inclined toward all that is evil" (2LBC 6.2). Unconditional Election John 6:65; 15:16 "This effectual call flows from God’s free and special grace alone, not from anything at all foreseen in those called. Neither does the call arise from any power or action on their part; they are totally passive in it. They are dead in sins and trespasses until they are made alive and renewed by the Holy Spirit. By this they are enabled to answer this call and to embrace the grace offered and conveyed in it. This response is enabled by a power that is no less than that which raised Christ from the dead" (2LBC 10.2). Limited Atonement (Particular/Definite Redemption) Leviticus 16; John 3:16; Matthew 1:21; John 10:11; Acts 13:48 "From all eternity God decreed to justify all the elect, and in the fullness of time Christ died for their sins and rose again for their justification. Nevertheless, they are not justified personally until the Holy Spirit actually applies Christ to them at the proper time" (2LBC 11.4). Like the offering for Israel in Leviticus 16:15 and 34), Jesus’ death is sufficient for all but is only applied and therefore effectual for the elect. Irresistible Grace John 6:37, 39, 44; Romans 8:30; Galatians 1:15; Philippians 2:12-13 "The gospel is the only outward means of revealing Christ and saving grace, and it is abundantly sufficient for that purpose. Yet to be born again, brought to life or regenerated, those who are dead in trespasses also must have an effectual, irresistible work of the Holy Spirit in every part of their souls to produce in them a new spiritual life. Without this no other means will bring about their conversion to God" (2LBC 20.4). Perseverance of the Saints John 6:66-71; 17:12; 10:28; Romans 8:38-39; Philippians 1:6; 1 Peter 1:5; 5:10; 1 John 2:19 "Those God has accepted in the Beloved, effectually called and sanctified by his Spirit, and given the precious faith of his elect can neither totally nor finally fall from a state of grace. They will certainly persevere in grace to the end and be eternally saved, because the gifts and callings of God are irrevocable. Therefore, he still brings about and nourishes in them faith, repentance, love, joy, hope, and all the graces of the Spirit that lead to immortality. Even though many storms and floods arise and beat against them, yet these things will never be able to move the elect from the foundation and rock to which they are anchored by faith. The felt sight of the light and love of God may be clouded and obscured from them for a time through their unbelief and the temptations of Satan. Yet God is still the same; they will certainly be kept by the power of God for salvation, where they will enjoy their purchased possession. For they are engraved on the palms of his hands, and their names have been written in the book of life from all eternity" (2LBC 17.1). The Great Commission Evangelistic Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:6; Romans 10:13-17; 2 Timothy 4:1-5 In light of these first 4 doctrines, we can now go with greater boldness and confidence in our proclaiming of the gospel. This confidence does not come from man centered evangelism, but with an assurance that the gospel call will be heard and responded to. This makes God’s commands to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20) and to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:6) a freedom and not a weight. We are called to be faithful, not to produces “results.” We believe both of these commands (proclaim and disciple) are still applicable for all believers today. Any theology that affirms God’s sovereignty and election can never be applied in contradiction to man’s responsibility to proclaim and to respond to the gospel message. Any theology that divorces election from evangelistic fervor is corrupt. Any teaching that opposes God’s sovereignty or man’s responsibility is anti-Christ. Therefore, we unashamedly and whole heartily participate in evangelism at home, in the community, and through evangelistic missionary work abroad. 1689 Second London Baptist Confession Confessional 2LBC The Church is built upon confession. First is the confession that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Second is each believer’s confession of salvation. Without something to believe or confess the Church is nothing more than a social club or activity center. Reading the The 1689 Second London Baptist Confession provides a detailed explanation of our beliefs. Even though we have clear boundaries of doctrinal agreement, we still find ways to be charitable in areas of disagreement. ​ Read the Original 1689 Second London Baptist Confession here. ​ Read the Modern v ersion here. Bylaws 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation First Baptist Church of Fortuna, California First Baptist Church of Fortuna, California is a California nonprofit religious corporation, recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code (Matthew 22:21; Romans 13:1). Article I Section 2 As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation we are obligated to have bylaws. These bylaws clarify the legal and certain theological responsibilities that we as a church have towards each other and those outside the church. However, the Bible supersedes any item contained within these bylaws. A copy of our bylaws will be made available upon request. ​ ​

  • Classical Christian Education | First Baptist Church Fortuna

    Welcome Are you looking for a better approach to educate your child? City on a Hill is a ministry effort of FBC Fortuna that works with parents to improve in their role and to assist with the education of their children. There are two ways that this is accomplished. First, during the school year, we host bi-monthly Parent Training Classes. Second, we host weekly Co-op Classes. To learn more, continue reading below. To stay in the loop with the different opportunities going on at City on a Hill, email or sign up and get connected to our community here . City on a Hill A community for parents of homeschoolers, private schoolers, public schoolers, and future schoolers. Homeschool Co-op A cooperation of homeschooling families to help one another educate their children within a Classical Christian Education model. Parent Training Classes Bi-monthly classes for parents who take seriously the responsibility to educate their children and are passionate about Classical Christian Education. Music Recital We are always looking for budding young performers who are being trained in their instrument of choice. If you are interested in performing, please submit your name, grade, instrument, and title of piece to . Space is limited. You do not need to be a participant of the Parent Training Meetings or the Co-op to perform or to attend. ​ Fall Music Recital | November 23, 2024 – Saturday at 2 PM Spring Music Recital | March 29, 2025 – Saturday at 2 PM ​ The recital will be held at: First Baptist Church of Fortuna 1976 Scenic Drive Fortuna, CA 95540 ​ COAH Homeschool Co-op A cooperation of homeschooling families to help one another educate their children within a Classical Christian Education model. The co-op meets weekly on Tuesdays. Applications Please turn in your application or send it in via email to . ​ Student Application Deadline: August 6, 2024 Teacher/Tutor Application Deadline: June 25, 2024 ​ Dates & Deadlines Teacher Training: August 6th, 2024 (7 PM) New Student Orientation: August 17, 2024 (10 AM - 12 PM) Returning Student Orientation: August 13, 2023 (7 PM) FALL SEMESTER BEGINS: August 20, 2024 ​ Registration Fees (Costs) Family with a teacher/tutor $326.00 + books & materials Family without a teacher/tutor $652.00 + books & materials ​ $20 per semester for families only participating in the Reading Hour (K – 2nd) Semester fees can be made in person or online at ​ Applications 2024-2025 Student Application ​ 2024-2025 Teacher Application COAH Co-op Classes 2024 - 2025 (Updated 8/27/2024) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Veritas Press: 1815 to Present (Grades 2-6) Covering events from 1815 to the present, Vertias Press History provides the student with the building blocks to understand a historical timeline. ​Syllabus ​ Omnibus III: Reformation to the Present (Grades 7-9) Omnibus III is an integrated approach to history, literature, and theology which focuses on the United States and the modern world. ​Syllabus ​ Omnibus VI: The Modern World (Grades 10-12) Omnibus VI is an integrated approach to history, literature, and theology beginning with the Reformation and covering significant works of modern Western culture. ​ Syllabus ​ ​ Apologia Chemistry (Grades 10-12) Apologia Chemistry teaches a foundational understanding of weights, measurements, and tables leading to the mathematical and algebraic understanding of chemical equations involving various reactions. ​Syllabus ​ ​ Apologia Physical Science (Grades 8-10) Apologia Physical Science teaches a foundational understanding of mass and energy leading to the measurable, mathematical, structural, and dynamic understanding of our designed Earth and all that is in it. ​​Syllabus ​ ​ Introduction to Logical Fallacies (Grades 6-8) Introduction to Logical Fallacies is a study of informal logical fallacies and the various ways to catch them for further observation. ​Syllabus ​ Fitting Words: Classical Rhetoric (Grades 8-10) Using the five canons of rhetoric (invention, arrangment, style, memory, and delivery) and teaching the modes of persuasion (ethos, pathos, and logos), Classical Rhetoric provides tools to help students write and speak publicly. ​Syllabus ​ ​ IEW: Adventures in Writing (Grades 3-5) Using a variety of topics, Adventures in Writing introduces younger students to the IEW Structure and Style Method. ​Syllabus ​ IEW: Modern World History-Based Writing Lessons (Grades 6-8) Using modern world history themes and topics, this class teaches students to develop structure and style through weekly writing assignments. ​​Syllabus ​ Logos Latin 3 (Grades 5-7) Building on material from previous Logos Latin courses, this class introduces new Latin vocabulary, chants, and grammar concepts, uses them in translation, and also assigns sections of Scripture to memorize in Latin. ​Syllabus ​ ​ Intermediate Koine Greek (Grades 9-12, adult) An intermediate study of grammar and syntax of the Greek New Testament. ​ Syllabus ​ Math Tutoring - Study Hall This is a guided study hall in which students will spend their time quietly studying, completing homework, or asking questions about mathematics. ​​Syllabus ​ Logos Latin 1 (Grades 3-6) An introduction to learning Latin. Each weekly lesson includes the rigorous vocabulary, chants, derivatives, and worksheets. ​​Syllabus ​ Parent Training Classes Do you need a little more help or encouragement in figuring out this thing called parenting? If so join us for a Parent Training Class. Parent Training Classes are bi-monthly meetings for parents/teachers who are passionate about Classical Christian Education and who take seriously the responsibility to educate their children. Here you'll meet other parents facing the same struggles that you are. You do not need to be a participant in the Homeschool co-op to participate. Be sure to sign-up to get email reminders about upcoming meetings. Schedule 2nd Tuesday of every other month | 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Each Meeting will consist of parts: Bible Study, Lesson, and an open Q&A. There are also rumors of goodies to munch on. ​​ September 10, 2024 Topic: Shepherding Teenager's Hearts (Final Section from Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp. November 12, 2024 Topic: TBA January 14, 2025 Topic: TBA March 11, 2025 Topic: TBA May 13, 2025 Topic: TBA Values Download our complete Mission, Vision, Values, and Doctrine The Gospel of Jesus Christ We believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in the New Testament, prophesied in the Old Testament, and proclaimed throughout all of Church history. Narrow Doors, Tall Hallways Narrow Doors, Tall Hallways Male Leadership We believe men are called to lead in the church, the home, and in government. Parental Ownership We believe parents (not churches, schools, or governments) are ultimately responsible for the spiritual and intellectual training of their children. Classical Christian Education Our common model for educating our students with a Christian worldview is through a Classical Christian Education framework. Learn more about the Classical Education by reading Dorothy Sayer's The Lost Tools of Learning . Rigorous Learning We believe that learning is work and therefore should be rigorous (even when it becomes harder in the logic and rhetoric years). Winsomely Passionate Teachers We believe students will learn to love what their teachers love. Parents Who Love to Read and Learn We believe a good education never ends.

  • Community | Who We Are

    FBC Confession We are a community of believers, united in Christ, who are devoted to proclaiming and obeying the word of God. Covenant Community We are not a loosely affiliated group of believers. Rather, we are a community of believers who renew our covenant together every month. We do this to remember that we are devoted to one another. ​ The Bible teaches that Church Membership is not something to be taken lightly. Therefore, our church members covenant together to live towards one another in a particular way. Our covenant is not meant to be a list of do's and don'ts. Instead it is meant to outline what we mean when we say we that belong to FBC Fortuna. FBC Covenant Having, as we trust, been brought by divine grace to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and to give up ourselves to him, and having been baptized upon our profession of faith, in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, we do now, relying on His gracious aid, solemnly and joyfully renew our covenant with one another. Therefore, We are devoted to the apostle’s teachings’ and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. We are devoted to loving one another. We are devoted to joyfully serving one another. We are devoted to praying for one another. We are devoted to a humility that considers each better than ourselves. We are devoted to greeting one another warmly and lovingly. We are devoted to encouraging one another. We are devoted to killing sin, in all forms, by embracing confession, repentance, and forgiveness. We are devoted to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching, and to singing. We are devoted to supporting those who are devoted to the ministry of word and prayer, and [we are devoted to supporting] the spread of the gospel. We are devoted to supporting those who are poor. We are devoted to discipling one another. Above all we are devoted to obeying the commands of Jesus Christ. If we are ever moved from this place, we are also devoted to uniting with some other church where we can continue in the spirit of this covenant. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen. Corporate Worship Our times of corporate worship are centered on the exaltation of the Living God, through the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. This includes preaching and teaching the word of God, singing, prayer, giving, baptism, communion (Lord’s Supper), and times of confession. Regular attendance to the Sunday morning gathering is integral to being a part of FBC Fortuna. All ages join together to worship. Small noises are a part of raising godly children. Find peace knowing we are pleased to have children with us to worship the living God. And pray diligently for those who are raising their children how to still their bottoms and their souls to hear the word of God. Learn More. Elder-led Congregationalism The New Testament teaches that Christ is the Head of the Church (the Chief Shepherd) and that every church is comprised of Believers who are to be equipped for the work of the ministry by Elders and the church is to be assisted by Deacons in various ministries. Our church government could be described as Elder-led congregationalism. Learn More. Men, Women, and The Image of God It is our belief that both male and female are created in the image of God (Gen 1:27). Therefore, both men and women reflect this image. However, it was Adam who was created first and woman who was created from Adam to be his helpmate. Therefore, we also believe in male headship. Meaning, men are inherently created and designed to lead from creation, not as a result of sin. This informs us that even though both men and women bear the image of God they are still inherently different (roles and forms). These differences should never be seen as deficiencies of being male or female. Rather, these differences should always be seen as complementing each other in life, singleness, marriage, family, and especially within the church. A man is most manly when he reflects the character of Christ (godliness). And a woman is most womanly when she reflects the church (godliness). Families, Children, and Singles (Unmarried) It is our conviction that parents are the ones primarily responsible for evangelizing and discipling their children. That is why we encourage family members of all ages to join us to worship together on Sunday mornings. Worship and other classes are places where children being present are not a problem but are encouraged to attend. This means we expect an appropriate level of distractions as Dad and Mom are discipl ing their children to participate in community life. Any age-specific activities are always a supplement to what Dad and Mom are called to do at home. Although we believe marriage is God’s normal order, we also believe that being single is not a second-class status in the body of Christ. This means that a single person (never married, widowed, or divorced) is just as valuable to the FBC Fortuna community as a married couple is. Further, we strive to lift up and support those households that may have experienced great loss or brokenness (divorce, single parent, guardianship, death). Young and Old, Jew and Gentile We love the young and the old. The Kingdom of God is represented by both youthful zeal and aged-tested wisdom. The older are called to teach the younger. While the younger are called to care for the older. We raise our young to respect and honor the aged and we expect our more seasoned saints to rejoice in the presence of the young. We love both Jew and Gentile. The Kingdom of Heaven will be represented by all tribes, tongues, nations, and peoples. The Jews were chosen. The Gentiles were welcomed. We treat all people as created in the image of God and we prioritize the culture of the Kingdom over any culture of this world. We do not cater to any age or other demographic. Instead, we care for all in obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ. A Giving Church Sacrificial giving is part of being obedient to Jesus Christ. Being faithful stewards is not optional. Our church has an obligation to provide materially for those who labor in preaching and teaching, to support the needs of the poor among us, to care for those in need around us, and to give for the spread of the gospel. In our context we have also found that having a building assists us in our ministry endeavors. Therefore, we have the further responsibility of stewarding our building. For the FBC family, sacrificial giving and faithful stewardship includes regular giving for the support of our Elder(s), the support of FBC ministries, and the responsibilities of owning a building. It also includes spontaneous giving as God leads each of us to give sacrificially in our daily lives. Becoming a Member If you would like to become a member of FBC Fortuna please plan to attend am FBC Discovery Class. This six-week class is offered twice each year (Winter and Summer) at 9:45 AM on Sundays. If you would like to attend the next class please talk to an Elder.

  • Sermons | First Baptist Church Fortuna

    SERMONS The church is a gathering of believers. That is why it is our strong conviction that these sermon recordings must never replace participation in the local church. The purpose of making these sermons available is for the following reasons. ​ For those who were sick or otherwise unable to attend corporate worship. For those looking for a church and desiring to hear samples of the preaching before attending. For those looking to supplement their current Bible Study and private devotions. There may be other meaningful reasons to listen to these sermons, but never let those reasons replace the command to gather regularly with the body under the preaching of the word of God. ​ For more sermons and writings by Pastor John please visit ​ Also on Spotify: Musica Theologica Youtube: FBC Fortuna ​ Audio Video FBC Fortuna Play Video Play Video 50:21 Romans 1:5-6 | The Apostolic Mission August 25, 2024 - John Carter More about First Baptist Church of Fortuna: More Teaching by John Carter Play Video Play Video 30:35 Acts 10:23-33 | Two Humbled Men August 18, 2024 - Jon Szabo - Sunday Evening Service More about First Baptist Church of Fortuna: More Teaching by John Carter Play Video Play Video 54:44 Romans 1:3-4 | The Gospel August 18, 2024 - John Carter More about First Baptist Church of Fortuna: More Teaching by John Carter Play Video Play Video 34:41 Acts 10:9-23 | Peter's Lunchtime Vision August 11, 2024 - John Carter - Sunday Evening Service More about First Baptist Church of Fortuna: More Teaching by John Carter Play Video Play Video 56:59 Romans 1:2 | The Promised Gospel August 11, 2024 - John Carter More about First Baptist Church of Fortuna: More Teaching by John Carter Play Video Play Video 01:00 Where is Christ? Play Video Play Video 00:22 Does Paul contradict Jesus? Play Video Play Video 56:32 Romans 1:1 | Paul's Gospel August 4, 2024 - John Carter More about First Baptist Church of Fortuna: More Teaching by John Carter

  • Give Online | First Baptist Church Fortuna

    SACRIFICIAL GIVING Sacrificial giving is part of being obedient to Jesus Christ. Being faithful stewards is not optional. Our church has an obligation to provide materially for those who labor in preaching and teaching, to support the needs of the poor among us, to care for those in need around us, and to give for the spread of the gospel. In our context we have found that having a church building assists us in our ministry endeavors, therefore we have the further responsibility of stewardship in regards to our building. For the FBC family, sacrificial giving and faithful stewardship includes regular giving for the support of our Elder(s), the support of FBC ministries, and the responsibilities of owning a building. It also includes spontaneous giving as God leads each of us to give sacrificially in our daily lives. ​ GIVE ONLINE ​ STEWARDSHIP CLASS Once a year we offer a six-week stewardship class. This class is meant to equip the participants with the doctrine and practical application needed to better steward the finances entrusted to them.

  • Resources | First Baptist Church Fortuna

    RESOURCES We are first and foremost devoted to the Word of God. Nevertheless, there are many resources available to the modern believer. Although these resources generally align with FBC's statement of faith, it is still the responsibility of every believer to be a good Berean and to test the contents of these websites with the Scriptures. Bible Studies ESV Bible (with Study/Language Tools) Bible Hub Treasury of Scripture Knowledge ​ Pastor John's Study & Library Musica Theologica - Pastor John's Sermons and Writings Pastor John's Study (Room 206) Pastor John's Library {These resources are available upon request. Some area available to check-out, others will need to stay in the study. Talk to Pastor John if you have any questions.} ​ Missions and Evangelism HeartCry Missionary Society Joshua Project Wretched Radio ​ Current Events and The Church Founders Ministries The Briefing with Al Mohler Just Thinking 9 Marks Worship Matters Ref Net American Gospel TV Answers In Genesis ​ Church History Hall of Church History ​ Counseling Help Please email if you need to speak to a pastor. IBCD (The Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship) ​ Homeschool and Classical Christian Education Logos School Logos Press Veritas Press ​ Ministry Opportunities J. Rophe Medical Pregnancy Care Center (Eureka, CA) ​

  • Welcome | First Baptist Church Fortuna

    The Gospel In the beginning... God created everything. Not only did God create everything, but because he is good, he also gave us the law. The demand of the law was perfection. Failure to obey the law perfectly came with the penalty of death, but the reward of obedience was life. Instead of obedience we have each chosen to disobey God's law. The Bad News. We chose to sin. Therefore, sinners, who are condemned to death, are in need of forgiveness of sin and salvation from death (the wrath of God). The Good News (Gospel) Sinners can be forgiven and can be saved from death, their sins, and God’s wrath through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ Jesus alone. ​ Now What? Those who have been saved are commanded to obey the gospel by: Repenting (turn from sins to Jesus) and Confess (make publicly known) your sins. Believe that Jesus Christ is God. Be Baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Commit yourself to a local body of believers (a church). And make Disciples of all Nations. ​ Want to learn more? Then join us this Sunday. We look forward to meeting you. I'm New When We Gather Here's Some Regular times we gather 9:45 AM 60 Minutes Sunday School Our Sunday School program is designed to teach the entire Bible in 3-year cycles. We have age-appropriate for Adults, Youth, and Children. Our children’s classes are taught by teachers who love Jesus and love their students. 5:30 PM Sunday Prayer Meeting {No Meeting on the First Sunday} ​ Prayer is a great privilege given to the people of God. We are promised that he will hear us when we pray and that he will answer. We believe that God is living and good. Therefore, we make prayer a part of regular church life. We prayer to the Father, in the name of the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit. 11:00 AM 90 Minutes Morning Worship Service Our times of corporate worship are centered on the exaltation of the Living God. This includes reading, preaching, and teaching of the word of God as well as prayer, singing, giving, baptism, communion (Lord’s Supper), and time of confession. We encourage family members of all ages to join us to worship together. 6:00 PM 60 Minutes Evening Worship Service {No Meeting on the First Sunday} ​ Our times of evening worship are an opportunity to continue in worship centered on the exaltation of the Living God. Our evening worship has a times of extended prayer, singing, and the preaching of the word First Sunday Potluck Join the FBC family the first Sunday of each month to enjoy a meal together. Please bring enough food to feed your household and to share with others. After the meal the leftovers will be packaged up and delivered to the poor and hungry. Mid-week Small Groups With members from all over the Humboldt County we have established small groups to help minister to each other throughout the week. The purpose of these small groups is to encourage regular fellowship, discipleship, and one-another ministry among the members spread throughout Humboldt County.

  • Marriage Retreat | First Baptist Church Fortuna

    DATE & COST February 10, 2024 | 2 pm - 8 pm Cost: $8 0 Includes: An Elegant Dinner, a book for him and her, and a chance to strengthen your marriage This retreat is available for couples who are married, or engaged with a date. Join John and Katie Carter as they teach about the high's and lows of marriage in the comfort of their living room. They were married in 2004 and have four boys. They don't have a perfect marriage, but over the years they have learned through Scripture what it takes to have a godly marriage. ​ Format The retreat will consist of multiple sessions where different topics on marriage are discussed. The Bible will be heavily relied upon to guide these sessions. Breaks, snacks, and laughs will abound. Dinner with dessert will be at 6 PM. ​ Registration Space is limited to seven (7) couples (married or engaged with a date). Priority will be given to those who have registered and paid. ​ Children/Babies As a courtesy to other couples and to foster an intimate environment, other plans will need to be made for children and babies. Register

  • Directions | First Baptist Church Fortuna

    ​ A Church on a Hill As you make your way to FBC Fortuna you’ll quickly discover that we truly are a church on a hill. While many churches can be found on major roadways, our church building is located on the top of a hill overlooking the Fortuna. When the weather is pleasant we can even see the ocean just past of Ferndale. This beautiful view comes with a unique driving experience. ​ ​ Directions (Follow the Signs) When heading North on Fortuna Blvd. Take a right onto Rohnerville Rd. at the bend. Then follow the signs up the hill. When heading East on Main St. take a left turn at the bend onto Rohnerville Rd. Then follow the signs up the hill. When Heading West on Rohnerville Rd. take a right onto Newel Dr. Then follow the signs up the hill. ​ (Follow the Signs across from Ray’s Food Place) Once you have found the signs they will take you North onto Newel Dr. You will take your first left. This road will go up a hill and then have a switchback to the right. Going further you will come to a fork in the road. Go left onto Arnold Way. Going up this hill you will take your first left onto Scenic Dr. The church will be on your right. ​ Two-Lots On approaching the church building there will be two parking lots. The first lot you come to has ADA parking spaces as well as visitor and senior parking spaces. This gravel lot is accessible all year long. Our second parking lot is past the church building and is a grass lot. At this time, this parking lot is limited to vehicles with 4-wheel drive during raining days. You can also access the Rohner Park Trail from this parking lot. ​ Double Parking Due to limited parking, on some occasions you may be directed to double parking within our parking lots. In this case a parking lot greeter will direct you to the appropriate spot. In the event you are double parked you will need to be sure to move your vehicles immediately after the service. Again, a parking lot greeter will help direct you out of the parking lot. Street Parking Although there is limited street parking, all street parking should be left open. This will allow us to maintain a good reputation with our neighbors. Alternate Parking If at all possible please consider carpooling with others or even parking at Rohner Park and hiking the trail to come to church. ​

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